Category Archives: Self-care

Your guide on self care tips, self care routines, self care examples and, most importantly, why is self care important. All done with the environment in mind

A Journey of Learning: My Coaching Experience with Lauren Jane Coaching

***Gifted sessions***

As business owners, there will always be times where we feel stuck, and finding a safe and effective space where we can talk about how to overcome any  challenges we’re facing can be tricky. 

When I first started my own business, back in 2016, I underestimated how different the change from being an employee to a business owner would be. Not just the practical side of business but the mindset shifts that would be necessary to build a business I loved and thrived in. I had been an employee since I started working at the age of eighteen and, in order to change that employee mindset that I feared was holding me back from doing brilliant things, I sought the expertise of an executive coach. Those sessions showed me the real power and value business / life coaching could bring to make a positive change for myself and my business.

When I started my eco-blog in January 2020, my intention wasn’t to build a business from it, I wanted a place to write about what I was doing and to share how I was changing my own habits in order to become more sustainable. I didn’t consider myself a blogger/writer and it was only ever meant to be a little side project. I never expected my blog to attract the attention it has but I have to admit, this fuelled the passion I already had to share my journey to sustainability and help others to begin and continue theirs.  

Within my working career, I have been a PA/Executive Assistant. I’m comfortable being a ‘behind the scenes’ person, some refer to it as ‘working in the engine room’. As an introvert, it worked really well for me. I like to make sure all the moving parts work the way they are supposed to so the end result is flawless. So, the idea of being a blogger was perfect for me, I get to stay in my comfort zone, and I get to make sure that everything behind the scenes runs as it should.

As my blog grew in popularity and I gained more subscribers , I felt inspired to take it to the next level and start working with brands who share the same values and ethics I have when it comes to sustainable living.

But I was stuck not knowing where to begin. 

Yet I realised that in order to do this ‘new thing’ , I needed to put myself out there, and come out of my comfort zone. Argh! 

This reminded me of a scene from The Big Bang Theory

Penny: Okay, that’s fine, but let’s try and get you out of your comfort zone.

Sheldon: Why would we want to do that? It’s called the comfort zone for a reason.

Because of my comfort zone, I was stopping myself from taking the necessary next steps in order to move my business forward and achieve professional growth. It was frustrating, my brain was in knots and it was doing nothing  for my mental health.

I knew I needed some support. It was the only way I’d be able to move forward without the overwhelm and self-sabotage that I knew would soon be on the horizon! So my search for a coach began…

From my own experience, I knew that I would need to find the right fit. Not just for me, but for the coach too. It works both ways.

A fellow blogger had previously worked with Lauren Jane Coaching, and some others mentioned how great she was.

Lauren first asked me to send her a hand drawn picture of how I felt about my business; pictures, no words. I won’t post the image here because, as someone who got a B in GCSE art, it’s absolutely shocking! What I will say is that I drew different versions of being stuck, hurdles, and going round and round in circles.

During our first session, I quickly picked up on Lauren’s keen ability to ask the right questions, which continued during our further sessions together. Lauren’s website states she is a highly intuitive listener, and she’s not wrong. With Lauren’s help, I could hit the pause button, take a step back, and we drilled down to some key issues which allowed me to get a better handle on what was going through my head.

I was having really bad issues with pitching to brands. Writing the pitch wasn’t the problem; sending it was. There was something stopping me from hitting the ‘send’ button. As business owners, if there’s something we don’t want to do, we will find every excuse under the sun to avoid doing it. The email would sit in my drafts, and I would busy myself with something else. During my call with Lauren, it was like a eureka moment; why don’t I schedule the email so I don’t actually have to hit the ‘send’ button! I remember smiling at myself for a while after our session because I leapt over a huge hurdle! I found something that would work for me, and I knew it would help me to lead to better outcomes.

Lauren asked me to talk about someone who I think really highly about; someone who understands me, my ‘go to’ person, someone who gets what I’m trying to achieve in my business. I spoke about my friend and business buddy, Louise Harman. After telling Lauren about Louise, Lauren said “why can’t you say that about yourself?”. She commented about how my face lit up when I talked about Louise. Which uncovered another issue…I’ve always had a bad habit of not saying nice things about myself; “I can’t do this”, “I’m too thick”, “why can’t I get this”. I made myself believe these things and turned out I had a victim mindset. This was the biggest revelation for me and I was determined to change this status quo. Lauren said I needed to identify when I did this and turn it around; instead of ‘I can’t do this’, change it to ‘yeah I can’.

Recently, I was approaching a milestone number of views on my website. I thought I would hit a certain figure by the end of the month but I didn’t. The old me would have said ‘You’re rubbish at that’. Nope, not the new me. I celebrated the figure because, for me, it was an amazing achievement, and I’m really proud of myself for that. To celebrate, I got myself a chocolate and vanilla cheesecake and had it all to myself while everyone was at work/school. I felt totally sick afterwards but totally worth it! #NoRegrets

Something else that I’ve realised from our sessions is that the person I was when I launched my blog back in 2020, would love to be where I am now.

It’s only been a couple of months since I worked with Lauren and I’m still doing the inner work, and I can say this with absolute certainty, I am in a better place since working with Lauren than I was beforehand.

Those who know me know that I would never recommend a business or a product unless I genuinely believed in it myself. If you’re stuck in your business, and you can’t figure out what the issue is or you’re trying to get to the next level, I highly recommend getting in touch with Lauren. You can follow her on Instagram and she also has a monthly newsletter with some great tips, and words of wisdom.

Coaching is a powerful tool and can help us to uncover our true selves, this certainly has been the case for me.

11 Amazing Self-Care Winter Ideas To Try Now

As the season has shifted and the darker days and nights are starting to draw in, this is the perfect time to look after your mental and physical health. The winter months are approaching and the winter blues can set in. During this time of year, our self-care and well-being can take a hit due to the end of daylight savings, the weather becomes grey and tinsel has already started appearing in the shops. 

With Stress Awareness Week approaching (30 October – 3 November), it’s a good idea to keep an eye on our mental health now that the shorter days and colder months are approaching. 

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is something that affects many people this time of year leading to low mood, and difficult times due to less daylight. Seasonal depression can take a toll on our emotional health. 

There are many positive things you can do to help yourself; spend time in the fresh air even if you many not want to, have a warm bath, avoiding junk food and adopt a healthy diet. 

Check out these self-care tips for eco-friendly ways you can look after yourself. Self care is so important so look at which self-care routine tips you could adopt to help with the dark days and cold weather. 

A hot drink

This is such a British thing, when we’ve got troubles, we ‘put the kettle on’, it’s a great form of self-care and there’s nothing better than a warm drink. I’m a huge tea drinker and have swapped to loose tea leaves. Some teabags contain micro plastics which could swim around in your cuppa so I’ve ditched the tea bags. If tea isn’t your thing, try Pumpkin Spice Latte or a refreshing Mocha. Give your tastebuds a little head start. 

Self-care with candles

When I’m having a soak in a hot bath, I light some candles. Why? Because it’s a fabulous way to unwind and wash away the day. Candles come in all shapes, sizes and scents. I find they’re a great way to get rid of any negative emotions and really relax. If you fancy it, you could even add a bath bomb. I don’t tend to worry if my fingers end up looking like prunes, the goal is to relax and make myself feel better. You could read a book in the bath or listen to some music. I personally prefer to daydream. 

A wheat Bag

This is a great way to unwind if having a bath isn’t your thing and these are extra special because they are something you can reuse over and over again. Many are scented with Lavender and other soothing essential oils which can be perfect to help you relax, unwind at watch a good movie at the same time. It can make you feel really cozy.

Time to de-clutter

Having a lot of clutter around you can really affect your mental health. Take some time to start decluttering areas around you that may be bugging you. You don’t have to do it all in one go, do a bit at a time. Look at things you no longer need or use; I’m sure there’s things you can donate to charity or regift to close friends. 

Self-care with a sleep mask

Getting a good night’s sleep is the key to everything. Because without a good night’s sleep, it is difficult to function properly. A good sleep mask will block out all light and help you fall asleep. I use one myself and I wouldn’t be without it.

Disconnect from Social Media for a bit

Don’t get so caught up on what others are doing. Remember, people only put the best of themselves on social media, people don’t tend to post the bad side of their lives. You’re only seeing a small snapshot of what’s going on with them and some of what you see is probably artificial. It’s OK to turn your phone off. 

Dopamine can be your friend

Lack of dopamine can negatively affect your mood, motivation and focus. Do something you’ve never done before; there’s probably a large hill near you, climb it and enjoy the view. Music is a great way to elevate your mood; put your headphones on and dance around the living room like no one is watching.

Move your body, get some exercise, you don’t even have to go to a class, I bet you’ll find something on YouTube. Now this is a bit extreme for me but a friend of mine has a little lake near her and she goes for a swim. She’s a really strong swimmer and she finds it helps her mood (make sure you don’t go alone and stay safe at all times!)

Essential oils

There are a wide range of essentials oils that help with relaxing, general wellbeing and can have restorative benefits. Check out this post I found with some great information on how essential oils can help your overall health.  

Get writing

This may not be everyone’s bag but writing down how you’re feeling can be quite freeing. I’ve found that once something is out of my head, I think about it less. This is an incredibly personal thing so don’t be too scared to write down everything you think about; the good, the bad and the ugly. Get it out of your head. Remember, it’s OK not to be OK.

Learn something new

Is there something you’ve always wanted to learn but never found the time? Could be something you may not ever use again… Learn the piano, juggle, learn a new language, twirl a pen with your fingers, memorise all 50 US states (don’t forget Hawaii and Alaska, I always forget those!), whistle with your fingers, play poker, learn the monarch song (I learned this!), line-dancing, balancing act with a fork and a toothpick, how to burp on command. You see where I’m going with this. There are so many things you could learn, do something for yourself and it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else. 

​The beauty of sleep

A big one to include in your self-care plan. Sleep. Without sleep, we struggle to function. Dark mornings and dark nights can affect our daily routines. Make sure you get a good night sleep and keep your body clock ticking over.

Self care looks different for everyone, there’s nothing selfish about it and the best thing is to find new ways to look after yourself. These self-care practices will go a long way with positive health benefits. 

7 Harry Potter Quotes That Illuminate Self-Care’s Magic, Always

As a massive Harry Potter fan, there are some Harry Potter quotes that I rely on when it comes to self-care.

I’ve come across so many Harry Potter quotes about love, life, friendship and some funny ones too, which Potterhead fans will revisit over and over again.

Although, J.K. Rowling has said “Harry is done now” following the launch of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, it hasn’t stopped inspirational quotes coming out of this incredible franchise and it’s a legacy that will probably live on for a very long time to come.

Here are some iconic Harry Potter quotes.

7 Harry Potter Quotes That Illuminate Self-Care’s Magic, Always

“I am what I am, an’ I’m not ashamed. ‘Never be ashamed,’ my ol’ dad used ter say, ‘there’s some who’ll hold it against you, but they’re not worth botherin’ with.” – Rubeus Hagrid – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

A great self-care tip is to protect your mental-health. You’re not going to be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s OK. Just be you and you will find your tribe.

“When in doubt, go to the library.” – Ron Weasley – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

Reading a book is a great form of self-care. For me, it’s about escapism. Forgetting about the world around me and immersing myself into another world. That’s probably why I re-read the Harry Potter books so many times.

“You will also find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it.” – Albus Dumbledore – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

We, especially women, are really bad at asking for help. There’s no shame in it.

“It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends” – Albus Dumbledore – Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone

This got me thinking about saying ‘no’ more often. Many of us are terrible at saying ‘yes’ to things that we many not want to do, just so we don’t offend our friends. Saying ‘no’ to the things you don’t want to do is a great form of self-care. Additionally, if they’re a good friend, they won’t hold it against you.

Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light. – Albus Dumbledore – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

There are times when things can seem really overwhelming, and we can find it difficult to see the end of the tunnel. Additionally, focus on the end goal and think about the positives, we tend to forget about those.

I mean, it’s sort of exciting, isn’t it, breaking the rules? – Hermione Granger – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

There is no one way of doing things. One thing i’ve learnt, the hard way, is that what works for someone else doesn’t necessarily work for everyone else. Just because you don’t do something the way other people do it, that’s fine. Do what works for you.

I’ve always wanted to use that spell. – Minerva McGonagall – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

Have a self-care day and do something you’ve always wanted to do. Maybe you’ve wanted to go to a museum, a film at the cinema? You don’t have to do it with someone else, do it alone. Therefore, you can decide how long you can be out for, whether you want to leave early, you’re in control and it’s about you.

There you have it, some Harry Potter self-care quotes.

Feel free to share some of your favourite ones.

Easy Ways To Keep Your House Warm In Winter

As we are approaching the end of summer and the winter months are on the horizon, the temperature will start to fall and keeping your house warm (and ourselves) starts to become challenging. 

We will start researching with one question in mind – What is the best way to keep your house warm in winter?

Keeping our energy costs down during the winter period is something many households will be concerned with and some of use probably don’t know how we are going to manage it. The cost of energy has increased in such a short space of time that households are looking for ways to keep our heating bill down where we can.

Although, there seems to be ‘help’ from energy companies when in comes to insulating our walls and lofts, I found that trying to access this help is often elusive. 

Some of us live in homes with without proper insulation and, in an ideal world, we’d all have the money to fix that. For majority of us, that’s not a possibility, and the question of ‘how to keep a poorly insulated house warm’ is a genuine concern

Here are some tips I’ve tried if you’re stuck on how to keep your house warm and reduce heat loss.

image of house wrapped in a scarf with Great Ways To Keep Your House Warm This Winter as a heading

Easy Ways To Keep Your House Warm In Winter


There are a few areas where your curtains can help to trap some head in your home. 

Depending on the position of your home, the sun will enter the home and heat up the room(s), which is what you want, make sure your curtains are open to allow the heat in on sunny days. Once it gets to about 3ish, close your curtains which will help trap the heat in the room.

Having thick curtains can help with retaining heat in the room. However, not all of us have the money to go out and buy fancy curtains with thick linings so a friend of mind found a pair of second-hand curtains with thick lining in a charity shop (I think they were about £10), removed the lining, and stitched them to her own thermal curtains. This is much more cost effective than buying new ones and can help to reduce your heating costs. 

Foil behind the radiator/radiator reflector panels

For years, I’ve been told about putting foil behind the radiator (the foil used in the kitchen), especially on external walls. However, I personally haven’t found them to be as effective so we bought some Radiator Heat Reflective Insulating Foil. It was quite cheap and came in a roll allowing us to cut to size based on each radiator size. Once done, we placed them at the back of the radiator so the heat wasn’t lost through the wall and keeps the hot air in. This is beneficial for a living space you use regularly. 

Heat from the oven to warm your house

When it’s cold, I find that I tend to use my over a lot more. Once you’re done with the oven, keep the oven door open which will help to heat the kitchen. 

Please make sure that you (or anyone else) are not close to it, last thing you want is someone burning themselves!

Make your own draught excluders

I had a go at making my own draught excluder with things I already had at home. If you’re looking for a DIY project and would like to know How to make your down draught excluders, here’s the link

Striped draught excluder at the base of an internal door to keep my house warm

Not too shabby for my first attempt!

Get warm with a hot water bottle

women with hot water bottle
Free image from Canva Pro

Hot water bottles come in all shapes and sizes. Get yourself a hot water bottle and keep yourself warm. I suffer with  cold feet so I put it at the bottom of my bed about 10 minutes before bedtime. You’ll stay warm for hours. 

Layer up

You’ve heard this before and I will say it again, put on a jumper, fuzzy socks, slippers. Wearing more clothes will stop you from turning up the programmable thermostat. 

Don’t worry if you look silly, it’s about keeping warm rather than making a fashion statement. An extra layer can make a difference. 

Feet warmer

I was given a foot warmer which is powered via a USB port. As someone who works from home so I try to avoid situations where I need to put the central heating on. I plug it into my USB port on my laptop and keep my feet toasty and warm.

Close doors and keep your house warm

I will always remember my parents saying ‘were you born in a barn’ when I was little. Funnily enough, I say the same thing to my family. Keep internal doors closed as this will trap the heat in that room and will help to keep your house warm.

Lower your thermostat by a degree

Lowering your smart thermostat by one degree can help with energy bills and there’s a chance you won’t even feel it. Also, make sure your timers are set to exactly when you need the heating system to come on. There’s no point in setting the timer for when no one is at home. 

Keep radiators free from furniture

Radiators work by emitting heat into the room. However, they can’t do this is if it’s behind a sofa or any furniture from blocking the heat, the furniture will get warm but you won’t. A top tip is to look at the heat sources for each room and keep your radiators clear of furniture and the heat flow into the room and keep a warm house. 

Move your bed away from the window

If your windows aren’t well insulated, a good idea is to try to move your bed way from the window frame to avoid feeling a draughts. 

Add foam tape around windows and doors

If the insulation around your doors and windows are poor, you can purchase foam tape and install them around any gaps. This will help reduce cold air entering and help keep a warm house. 

Get an extra duvet/blanket 

If you’re a little chilly at night, grab an extra duvet or use a fleece blanket. The thing I like about fleece blankets is that they don’t need to warm up, unlike a bed where you get in and takes a while for your body heat to warm up the bed. 

Put a rug on wooden floors

The great thing about carpets is that they trap heat, to a certain extent and do a better job than hard flooring. A great way to help keep your house warm is to invest in some rugs. We’ve got hard flooring downstairs so this on my to-do list. You’ll find some good deals on Facebook marketplace.

Chimney Balloon/draught stopper

Some of us will have an older fireplace – maybe decorative than functional –  that will include a small door. This will likely be a wind tunnel where heat escapes. A friend of mind bought an inflatable chimney balloon which sealed the gap in the chimney drastically reducing the amount of cold air travelling down the chimney. Although, the balloon is a short term fix during the code weather, it may be worth investing in a Chimney Draught Stopper longer term. 

Cover keyholes for a warm house

This was one that never occurred to me until recently. Although, keyholes are small gaps, they are still gaps nonetheless and heat can escape through these gaps. This is specific to older external doors. A great way to tell (that I’ve tried myself) is put some water on the tip of your finger and place the finger by the keyhole. You will be able to tell if your finger is getting cold. If it does, you’re losing heat (and cold air in entering your home). You can use keyhole covers to reduce the draft. Or if it’s a door you don’t use that often, put some clear tape on it and keep the cool air out.     

Cuddle under blankets

Why not snuggle up with your partner, little ones or pets and watch some TV in the living room. It’s cozy and, by sharing body heat, you’l keep each other warm.

Increasing the energy efficiency in your home can be tricky, some other options are investing in an electric blanket, a good option is to update your loft insulation as heat rises you don’t want to lose any through the ceiling, thick rugs is great for uninsulated floors especially if you have a hard floor, this can help reduce air leaks, so if you can, use rugs. The key is always going to be good insulation which will help to reduce your utility bills in the long run, especially during the colder months. 

If you’re looking for more ways, Martin Lewis’ website has a wealth of information. 

Ways to Ditch Old Habits and Learn New Ones

Since I’ve started leading a more sustainable lifestyle, I noticed the changes I want to make (and have done) have a lot to do with habits; old habits and new habits.

Us humans are creatures of habits, we learn what we see around us and, therefore, adopt those practices. They’re learned behaviours we repeat over and over again sometimes without thinking about them.

The dictionary definition of a habit is ‘a settled or regular tendency or practice, especially one that is hard to give up’

Although there are good habits and bad habits , I’ve found a way to change this has a lot to do with how you adapt to changes. It’s not always easy, remember the saying ‘old habits die hard’?

Tip – don’t do it all in one go, it’s going to be overwhelming!

Ways to Ditch Old Habits and Learn New Ones

Ways to Ditch Old Habits and Learn New Ones heading with a hand holding a little flag with 'new habits'

Pick one old habit at a time

The biggest mistake a made was to make so many changes at the same time and I eventually found it so overwhelming that I burned myself out. Don’t make the same mistake I did.

Focus on ONE thing you want to change.

It could be buying loose fruit and vegetables instead of ones wrapped in plastic, opting for second-hand clothing, ditching tea bags in favour of loose tea leaves, make your own cleaning product, take part in environmental awareness days, or opting for eco-friendly menstrual products.

Although we have good intentions, it’s easy to slip.

Once you have picked one, focus on that. Eventually, you will form a new habit which will allow you to move to the next one.

Here’s a great quote

“Change might not be fast and it isn’t always easy. But with time and effort, almost any habit can be reshaped.” ― Charles DuhiggThe Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right straight away, we are all learning.

Something I always say – start small, do what you can, build from there.

Think about the process

old habits new habits written in the hand with arrows in opposite directions.
Credit – Canva

I’ve been reading Atomic Habits book by James Clear and there’s a section where he talks about habit stacking. This is where you incorporate a new habit into actions you already take.

One of the chapters focuses on processes.

We tend to work on a series of processes; make a shopping list, get in the car, go to the supermarket, get a trolley, fill your trolley, queue and pay, load up the car, return trolley, drive home. Yet, we sometimes forget our shopping bags.

If you want to incorporate shopping bags, you need to add that to the process.

Here’s an example –

Shopping trolley bags - old habits and new habits

When you write your shopping list, add the word ‘shopping bags in the car’ first, that will make you stop and put shopping bags in your car. It may help putting them on the passenger’s seat so you remember to pick them up once you’re parked.

All you need is a clear prompt to add to your process. Once you get into the habit of remembering your bags when you’re writing your shopping list, move to the next habit you want to change.

“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.”

― C.G. Jung

Change your environment to let go of old habits

One of the biggest things I took away from Atomic Habits book is about changing your environment.

One of the examples given was about eating fruit. If you buy fruit and leave them in the fridge, you’ll forget it’s there and will have to throw them out. Instead, leave them in a bowl on the kitchen counter where you will always see them. When something is out of sight, it’s usually out of mind.

How can you ditch an old habit for sustainable living?

Something I’ve recently started is composting. I had a habit of forgetting to put food scraps to one side so I starting putting the scraps in a DIY compost bag I left it on the kitchen island, where I always prepare the food. As it was right in front of me (rather than to one side), I started I started adding any scraps to it.

One little change makes a difference.

Old habits are hard to let go. I’ve found identifying them and working on one habit at at time, reduces the chance of overwhelm and anxiety.

If you’re looking for a DIY project, here’s how you can make a draught excluder from things you already have in your home.

Also, be a little kinder to yourself.

If you’re looking for some eco-tips for sustainable living, check out my YouTube video

Eco-Judgment – Time to Ditch It & Shape a Better Planet

Let’s talk about Eco-Judgment. I’ve noticed it quite a bit since I started talking about sustainable living. Some can be quite loud about what they do and why others ‘should do it my way’.

In my opinion, judging someone who doesn’t make the same environmental changes as others is incredibly counter-productive and feel this level of eco-judgment is really unnecessary.

I consider myself as an imperfect environmentalist, I try to do what I can when I can. I care about the environment and I always say – start small, do what you can, build from there.

You’ll look at something and wonder ‘Is it eco conscious’ or ‘What is an eco-conscious lifestyle?’ This looks different for everyone, there is no right or wrong. For many, it is linked to finances but there are other barriers to sustainable living.

We don’t need a handful of people doing zero waste perfectly. We need millions of people doing it imperfectly – Anne Marie Bonneau

Eco-Judgment Time to Ditch It & Shape a Better Planet heading with image of many people holding hands

Let’s Ditch The Eco-Judgment & Work Together For A Better Planet

Breaking Habits

When you’ve been doing something one way for a very long time, it’s learned behaviour and to change this, your brain needs to re-learn and adopt the new way. There are some who can wake up in the morning and say to themselves ‘I don’t want to do this anymore’ and they don’t. I really admire anyone who has the ability to do this, but for a lot of people, this isn’t that easy.

I’ve read somewhere that it could take about a month to break an old habit and learn a new one. A month is a long time.


I mentioned this at the start. There are many sustainable products on the market but they come with a price tag, which can really take a chunk out of your monthly finances. Judgement needs to be left at the door.

I’ve seen myself that a glass jar of mayonnaise will likely be more expensive than the single-use plastic bottle or a tube of toothpaste will be cheaper than toothpaste tabs. There’s no need for any eco-judgement here. You can only do what you can do.


There are going to be some areas that don’t offer the products / facilities as other areas.

At the end of last year, my family and I moved from the South East of England to the East Midlands. Where we used to live, all residents were provided with a food caddy where food waste could be stored and taken away on a weekly basis. My new district council do not offer this facility. I assumed this collection would have been the same up and down the country, that’s not the case. Because of this, I have started to compost some food (there are things you can’t put in your compost) and the rest of the food waste ends up in the refuse bin.

I’m doing what I can, that’s the point. Eco-Judgment shouldn’t be a factor when it’s out of your control.

Ignore the Eco-Judgment and do things your way

I like being different and it’s something I embrace. I’ve had friends and family look at me at times and wonder whether I’m a few sandwiches short of a picnic and it makes me laugh.

Baskets on Picnic Blanket
Photo by Starzzz Studios:

Let’s look at some examples.

I have worn the same dress to three different weddings. It didn’t matter to me that people have seen it before. It’s a lovely dress and I love wearing it. I’m going to another wedding next year and many of the same people at previous weddings will be there too. I’ve seen trends where people are now re-wearing an outfit to a wedding more than once. There tends to be quite a bit of judgement around this and I don’t understand why; it’s cheaper, it’s better for the environment (less consumption) and you get to wear a dress you love over and over again. Even celebrities re-wear outfits.

Another thing I do that makes people raise their eyebrows is wearing odd socks. The reason is that if one sock has a hole in it and can’t be repaired, the other one is discarded even though it still does its job – which is a waste. Does it really matter if you’re wearing matching socks?

Some people think wearing odd socks is good luck (I haven’t found this) but something that is important is that International Down Syndrome Day is celebrated by wearing odd socks.

Maybe you could wear odd socks for Down Syndrome Day 2024 and show your support.

Start somewhere and ignore the eco-judgement

There is something we can do all and you need to find what works for your situation.

Start with something small, I’ve got loads of tips to help you get started.

You can also have conversations with friends and family to see what they do, that could give you some inspiration and potentially adopting that practice into your lifestyle. You may be surprised at how many people buy second-hand.

If you’d like to practise self-care the eco way, check out this download.

It feels that we just need to be kinder to each other and forget about the eco-judgment. After all, we are all working towards the same goal, just in different ways.

Breaking Down Climate Change for Kids: Easy and Effective Tips

Climate change has come up in many of our family conversations and it’s a tricky subject to navigate.

As a parent, my desire is to provide my child with a joyful and care-free upbringing while also imparting essential knowledge about potential world hazards, all without causing unnecessary fear.

Throughout her early schooling, she’s learned about Stranger Danger and other. We had meaningful conversations about it and I’m really really relived that she didn’t seem frightened by it. Surprisingly, she seemed to embrace the awareness I and the school were trying to achieve.

Mother and Daughter Talking at Home
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko:

Nevertheless, there exist other perils, including the concerning issue of climate change.

Parenting doesn’t come with a comprehensive guidebook. Most of us are trying to navigate it the best way we can.

Personally, I strive to draw insights from fellow parents and carefully consider my words and actions, recognising that young minds are highly impressionable and a lot of what adults say, children will soak like a sponge. We’re all navigating this journey to the best of our abilities, hoping to raise them well without causing harm.

So, when it comes to climate change, how do we navigate this subject without scaring them? Here’s what I did, maybe some of these tips will help you.

What Can We Do About Climate Change?

  • Begin by laying the foundation: start with the basics about climate change. Explain to them what climate change is, what causes it and why it’s happening. Be sure to use simple language
  • Incorporate visual aids: When educators teach, they tend to use visual aids to help children understand. Pictures and videos can be really helpful and helps them visualise what you care trying to explain. As adults, sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words. Workbooks can be really helpful.
  • Question time: Children are incredibly curious and they will have questions, and it could be at random times. Don’t dismiss their questions. They’ll probably think of questions on the way to a swimming lesson or at the dinner table. These questions are usually their own way to process what has been discussed.
  • Action time: Children want to be helpful, make sure they know there is something they can do and encourage them to create habits to help them. Don’t forget to lead by example.

What Can Children Do About Climate Change?

  • Reuse items: Encouraging children to embrace reusing items is a great place to start. Using sandwich boxes instead of cling film, having water bottles instead of drinking out of drinks cartons.
  • Repurpose items: There are so many resources online to help children to repurpose things we no longer need. Turning a drinks carton into a birdhouse, using toilet rolls into a pair of binoculars, creating a house or rocket ship from a large unwanted cardboard box. This is a great way to harness their creativity.
  • Recycle: Show them the importance of recycling and how it works. Many councils have different rules on recycling and teach them what is required in your area
Sort out the recycling waste workbook digital download for climate change
  • Use their voices: Encourage them to use their voices when they want to make a change. Let them spread awareness, take part in local protests (peaceful ones), write to their local MP.
  • Reduce consumption: Turning off electronics when they are not needed, turning off lights when no on is in the room, turning off the taps, showers instead of baths, projects where they can reuse waste.
  • Reduce waste: When it comes to food, only put on their plate what they will eat, look at the packaging that comes with toys, encourage them to play with second-hand toys. When something is thrown out, it’s got to go somewhere.


Facilitating children’s comprehension of climate change constitutes a crucial stride toward forging a sustainable future. Through elucidating the foundational concepts, establishing relevance to their daily experiences, and underscoring the significance of proactive measures, we empower children to engage as dynamic contributors in the battle against climate change. By embracing minor actions to diminish their carbon impact and championing transformative shifts, children possess the potential to effect change and motivate others to follow suit.

How To Practise Self-Care the Eco Way

As our lives have become more hectic and demanding, the idea of self-care can embracing a more sustainable way of life can seen out of reach. With relentless schedules and living in a world that operates at a break-neck speed, any spare time we may have is filled with even more responsibilities.

Keeping up with this momentum leaves us very little time to pause and reflect on our own health and well-being as well as the impacts on the environment around us.

Self-care, once seen as a luxury, has changed into a necessity for maintain our mental, physical and emotional health. It’s so easy to neglect ourselves, especially when we have caring responsibilities; caring for children, parents, loved ones.

Self Care Isn't Selfish Signage
Photo by Madison Inouye:

Of course, the irony is that neglecting our own self-care hinders our ability to carry out the many tasks we are trying to juggle.

If you don’t look after yourself, your body will force you to do so. Don’t get to that point.

Additionally, the pursuit of sustainable living can sometimes feel like a tough battle against the conveniences that surround us.

The convenience of single-use products, the attraction of fast fashion, and the enticement of energy intensive technology add up to a lifestyle that tends to work against the planet’s well-being.

Incorporating sustainable practices requires a shift in mindset, one that values the long-term impact over short-term convenience.

From reducing waste and conserving resources to making eco-conscious consumer choices, each step towards sustainable living is a contribution towards safeguarding our planet for future generations.

What’s the self-care solution?

I recognised so much of this in myself and was the main reason I created the 8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition digital download

8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition digital download

Many personal care products contain toxic chemicals that can harm your health and the environment. If you have a look a the side of any skincare product, how many of the ingredients do you recognise or even pronounce.

Swapping to eco-friendly options, you can avoid these risks and, with cost comparisons, you can see where you could save money (includes voucher codes too)

Ditch the toxins and look after the planet your children will inherit. With the money you could save, your purse will thank you for it too.

Close-Up Shot of a Woman Putting Clay Mask
Photo by Polina Kovaleva:

Create moments of serenity just for you.

In a world where instant gratification and immediate results are celebrated, both self-care and sustainable living take time. Self-care is about recognising the value of investing in ourselves while being kinder to the environment.

Yes! You can do both!

Filled with DIY self-care recipes for a face mask, feet scrub, hair removal wax and also incorporates other self-care swaps you could make that could save you money in the long run while still caring about the only home we have.

Woman Sitting in a Bathtub with Flowers and Oranges Floating and Drinking Red Wine
Photo by Antoni Shkraba:

As we navigate the currents of our fast-paced reality, carving out moments for self-care and embracing sustainable choices not only enriches our own lives but also contributes to a broader shift towards a more balanced and harmonious coexistence with the world around us.

Self-care you deserve

So, in the whirlwind of our busy lives, let us strive to intertwine self-care and sustainable living, creating a tapestry of well-being that withstands the relentless passage of time.

You’re a teacher of self-love. Show your children that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s an act of empowerment and respect. Nurture your well-being, and watch as your self-love inspires a legacy of strength.

In the dance of life, self-care is your partner. It’s the moment you find yourself amidst the steps, embracing your individuality, and celebrating the extraordinary person you are.

Let self-care lead the way and grab your download here

Unlock the potential of Sustainable Living

What does sustainable living really mean? We see the word a lot, and I wonder if it is just a buzzword, stripped of its true significance. However, let me assure you, sustainable living is far from a mere buzzword. Let me unravel the significance of Sustainable Living.

It embodies a profound concept with tangible implications for our planet and future generations

Sustainable living is a lifestyle choice which has grown in recent years. It challenges the current culture of consumerism by making us think about our own consumption and make responsible choices.

It is too slow down climate change. Allowing the planet to continue to be habitable; for everyone and everything that lives on it.

What is Sustainable Living?

It’s a way of life where we strike a balance between what humans need while preserving the planet for future generations

By embracing these principles, individuals can play an active role in mitigating the environmental impact of consumerism and adopting a more sustainable lifestyle.

At its core, sustainable living recognises the finite resources of our planet. It aims to ensure their responsible use to meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

If you have children, check out this blog about how to get children to care about the environment

Why is Sustainable Living important?

It promotes a healthier lifestyle by prioritising clean air, water, and food. By reducing exposure to things like

  • pollutants
  • consciously embracing organic
  • locally sourced products
  • actively adopting sustainable transportation options

we can significantly improve our overall well-being and effectively mitigate the risks of environmental health hazards

I look at it as an investment in the future of our planet and future generations

To put it another way – we need the planet to live.

Examples of Sustainable Living

Taking the initiative to reduce your plastic waste is an excellent starting point. Plastic is commonly packaged alongside various products, looking at your purchasing habits will enable you to identify areas where it can be reduced. Here is a free digital download to help you get started.

You can eat seasonal food – this reduces the carbon footprint transportation, you will support local farmers and buy from a greengrocer or farmers market will reduce your plastic waste. Buy loose fruit and veg where you can.

Fast-fashion is a huge problem because a vast amount of resources are used to create cheap clothing, some brands produce clothes in countries where workers are exploited.

Man in White Dress Shirt Wearing White Framed Eyeglasses
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio:

Personal healthcare is an area where some really good changes can be made. Ditching toothpaste tubes in favour of tablets (it may help speaking to a dentist), switching to eco-friendly deodorants, swap to a safety razor, eco friendly nail polish, soap and shampoo bars.

The Barriers

As people are becoming more conscious about the choices they are making, there are often barriers that stop people from getting started.

  • Cost
  • Habits
  • Availability
  • Societal pressure
  • Lack of trust in corporations
  • knowing where to start

BBC Bitesize has a great resource – check it out here

In summary, sustainable living is important for environmental preservation, resource conservation, climate change mitigation, social equity, health and well-being, economic stability, and the well-being of future generations. By embracing sustainable practices, we can work towards a more balanced and sustainable world.

These are my opinions and some ideas that work for me but may not work for everyone. Here are my terms & conditions for further reading

What are 10 Ways to be More Sustainable?

The effects of climate change are regularly featured on news and social media and, in recent years, has become a more pressing issue. It’s apparent that our decisions are having an impact on the world around us. There are many ways to become more sustainable such as reducing plastic waste, recycling and changing a few habits which can make a difference.

Here are my 10 ways to help you live a more sustainable life.

Tip 1 – Buy Second-Hand

I’m a huge fan of this because you will be buying something that has already been produced. A lot of resources are used to make our clothes and many people are exploited. Dirty water sometimes enters the waterways causing wider issues. You’ll also be supporting charities who are in desperate need of money and there’s a good chance you’ll find something at a fraction of the original price. Check out my blog on how to save money – Who doesn’t want to save some money?

Tip 2 – Eat Less Meat

I’m not saying ditch meat completely, for some people, that’s not possible. Reducing the amount of meat you eat can make a difference because the meat industry has a massive effect on climate change, not only from production but transportation too. Starting with Meat-Free Mondays provides an ideal launching point

Tip 3 – Save Water

This will not only help the environment but it will also save you money. Repairing leaky taps is the number one thing to fix and having showers rather than baths is a great way to reduce your water consumption. I have a water butt which captures rainwater, if you have the space, think about getting one to collect rainwater. You may be able to find second-hand water butts online.

Tip 4 – Sustainable Food Shopping

In recent years, there has been an explosion of zero waste shops. This is where you take along your empty jars/containers, fill up with what you need and pay. No plastic packaging, no waste. Sometimes, it can work out cheaper buying what you need and reduces food waste. Plus, you’ll be supporting a local business and that’s always a good thing!

I always get what I need for my toilet bomb recipe uk

Tip 5 – Sustainable Travel

We rely on cars to get around but if you are able to take a stroll to your destination, that’s always a better option. If you have one, use your bike instead. Cars cause a lot of pollution and walking (or cycling) is better for the environment and your health too. Especially, if it’s a lovely day! Try having a staycation instead of jetting off somewhere as air travel is a huge carbon emitter.

Tip 6 – Switch off Appliances

As technology continues to advance, it increasingly dominates our lives, with daily consumption contributing to the escalation of carbon emissions. Unplug the things you aren’t using – mobile phone chargers, kettles, toasters, lights – they all consumer energy unnecessarily. Another great tip is to switch your energy usage to a sustainable supplier.

Tip 7 – Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to reduce waste because you are buying only what you need and you’re not wasting money (or food). Any leftovers can be eaten the next day. Additionally, through meal planning, you will be more inclined to purchase loose fruits and vegetables, thus effectively reducing unnecessary plastic waste. Need some meal planners? I’ve got you covered!

Five meal planners in different colours - pink, light green, dark green, blue, mustard

Tip 8 – Clean the Back of your Fridge

Now, this is one I wasn’t aware of! All fridges can gather dust at the back. Surprisingly, the dust means the fridge has to work harder to run efficiently which uses more energy. I will be the first to admit that I had never removed the dust from the back of the fridge but I do this every six months.

Tip 9 – Go Paperless

Ask yourself if you really need a printed copy of your bank statement? Do you file it? Do you shred it? We have the technology at our fingertips should we need to access this information. Additionally, this can be kept online but if you prefer to keep a copy, save them to your cloud storage or a USB stick.

Tip 10 – Make Do and Mend

This is one of my favourite sustainable tips! Certainly, during the second world war, people repairing clothes left a lasting impression on me, but as time passed, subsequent generations seemed to lose this valuable tradition. Thankfully, it’s starting to make a comeback. How many times have you discarded an item of clothing that has a hole in it? Sometimes, all it needs is a simple repair are there are many websites that show how to repair. In most cases, a small sewing kit will be enough.

Green yellow red needle pin and safety pins
Photo by Pixabay:

Sustainable living looks different to everyone, there isn’t a right or wrong. There plenty of ways to save money too. Here are some more tips and DIY projects

Check out the environmental days 2023 uk to see a list of important eco dates

Something I always say – start small, do what you can, build from there.

If you’d like to have a look at self-care sustainable living, check out 8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition – packed with tried and tested DIY recipes, cost comparisons and money-saving voucher codes.

These are my opinions and some ideas that work for me but may not work for everyone. Here are my terms & conditions for further reading