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How To Practise Self-Care the Eco Way

As our lives have become more hectic and demanding, the idea of self-care can embracing a more sustainable way of life can seen out of reach. With relentless schedules and living in a world that operates at a break-neck speed, any spare time we may have is filled with even more responsibilities.

Keeping up with this momentum leaves us very little time to pause and reflect on our own health and well-being as well as the impacts on the environment around us.

Self-care, once seen as a luxury, has changed into a necessity for maintain our mental, physical and emotional health. It’s so easy to neglect ourselves, especially when we have caring responsibilities; caring for children, parents, loved ones.

Self Care Isn't Selfish Signage
Photo by Madison Inouye: https://www.pexels.com/photo/self-care-isn-t-selfish-signage-2821823/

Of course, the irony is that neglecting our own self-care hinders our ability to carry out the many tasks we are trying to juggle.

If you don’t look after yourself, your body will force you to do so. Don’t get to that point.

Additionally, the pursuit of sustainable living can sometimes feel like a tough battle against the conveniences that surround us.

The convenience of single-use products, the attraction of fast fashion, and the enticement of energy intensive technology add up to a lifestyle that tends to work against the planet’s well-being.

Incorporating sustainable practices requires a shift in mindset, one that values the long-term impact over short-term convenience.

From reducing waste and conserving resources to making eco-conscious consumer choices, each step towards sustainable living is a contribution towards safeguarding our planet for future generations.

What’s the self-care solution?

I recognised so much of this in myself and was the main reason I created the 8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition digital download

8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition digital download

Many personal care products contain toxic chemicals that can harm your health and the environment. If you have a look a the side of any skincare product, how many of the ingredients do you recognise or even pronounce.

Swapping to eco-friendly options, you can avoid these risks and, with cost comparisons, you can see where you could save money (includes voucher codes too)

Ditch the toxins and look after the planet your children will inherit. With the money you could save, your purse will thank you for it too.

Close-Up Shot of a Woman Putting Clay Mask
Photo by Polina Kovaleva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-shot-of-a-woman-putting-clay-mask-5927810/

Create moments of serenity just for you.

In a world where instant gratification and immediate results are celebrated, both self-care and sustainable living take time. Self-care is about recognising the value of investing in ourselves while being kinder to the environment.

Yes! You can do both!

Filled with DIY self-care recipes for a face mask, feet scrub, hair removal wax and also incorporates other self-care swaps you could make that could save you money in the long run while still caring about the only home we have.

Woman Sitting in a Bathtub with Flowers and Oranges Floating and Drinking Red Wine
Photo by Antoni Shkraba: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-sitting-in-a-bathtub-with-flowers-and-oranges-floating-and-drinking-red-wine-6728291/

As we navigate the currents of our fast-paced reality, carving out moments for self-care and embracing sustainable choices not only enriches our own lives but also contributes to a broader shift towards a more balanced and harmonious coexistence with the world around us.

Self-care you deserve

So, in the whirlwind of our busy lives, let us strive to intertwine self-care and sustainable living, creating a tapestry of well-being that withstands the relentless passage of time.

You’re a teacher of self-love. Show your children that self-care isn’t selfish; it’s an act of empowerment and respect. Nurture your well-being, and watch as your self-love inspires a legacy of strength.

In the dance of life, self-care is your partner. It’s the moment you find yourself amidst the steps, embracing your individuality, and celebrating the extraordinary person you are.

Let self-care lead the way and grab your download here