What are 10 Ways to be More Sustainable? heading white text green background

What are 10 Ways to be More Sustainable?

The effects of climate change are regularly featured on news and social media and, in recent years, has become a more pressing issue. It’s apparent that our decisions are having an impact on the world around us. There are many ways to become more sustainable such as reducing plastic waste, recycling and changing a few habits which can make a difference.

Here are my 10 ways to help you live a more sustainable life.

Tip 1 – Buy Second-Hand

I’m a huge fan of this because you will be buying something that has already been produced. A lot of resources are used to make our clothes and many people are exploited. Dirty water sometimes enters the waterways causing wider issues. You’ll also be supporting charities who are in desperate need of money and there’s a good chance you’ll find something at a fraction of the original price. Check out my blog on how to save money – Who doesn’t want to save some money?

Tip 2 – Eat Less Meat

I’m not saying ditch meat completely, for some people, that’s not possible. Reducing the amount of meat you eat can make a difference because the meat industry has a massive effect on climate change, not only from production but transportation too. Starting with Meat-Free Mondays provides an ideal launching point

Tip 3 – Save Water

This will not only help the environment but it will also save you money. Repairing leaky taps is the number one thing to fix and having showers rather than baths is a great way to reduce your water consumption. I have a water butt which captures rainwater, if you have the space, think about getting one to collect rainwater. You may be able to find second-hand water butts online.

Tip 4 – Sustainable Food Shopping

In recent years, there has been an explosion of zero waste shops. This is where you take along your empty jars/containers, fill up with what you need and pay. No plastic packaging, no waste. Sometimes, it can work out cheaper buying what you need and reduces food waste. Plus, you’ll be supporting a local business and that’s always a good thing!

I always get what I need for my toilet bomb recipe uk

Tip 5 – Sustainable Travel

We rely on cars to get around but if you are able to take a stroll to your destination, that’s always a better option. If you have one, use your bike instead. Cars cause a lot of pollution and walking (or cycling) is better for the environment and your health too. Especially, if it’s a lovely day! Try having a staycation instead of jetting off somewhere as air travel is a huge carbon emitter.

Tip 6 – Switch off Appliances

As technology continues to advance, it increasingly dominates our lives, with daily consumption contributing to the escalation of carbon emissions. Unplug the things you aren’t using – mobile phone chargers, kettles, toasters, lights – they all consumer energy unnecessarily. Another great tip is to switch your energy usage to a sustainable supplier.

Tip 7 – Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to reduce waste because you are buying only what you need and you’re not wasting money (or food). Any leftovers can be eaten the next day. Additionally, through meal planning, you will be more inclined to purchase loose fruits and vegetables, thus effectively reducing unnecessary plastic waste. Need some meal planners? I’ve got you covered!

Five meal planners in different colours - pink, light green, dark green, blue, mustard

Tip 8 – Clean the Back of your Fridge

Now, this is one I wasn’t aware of! All fridges can gather dust at the back. Surprisingly, the dust means the fridge has to work harder to run efficiently which uses more energy. I will be the first to admit that I had never removed the dust from the back of the fridge but I do this every six months.

Tip 9 – Go Paperless

Ask yourself if you really need a printed copy of your bank statement? Do you file it? Do you shred it? We have the technology at our fingertips should we need to access this information. Additionally, this can be kept online but if you prefer to keep a copy, save them to your cloud storage or a USB stick.

Tip 10 – Make Do and Mend

This is one of my favourite sustainable tips! Certainly, during the second world war, people repairing clothes left a lasting impression on me, but as time passed, subsequent generations seemed to lose this valuable tradition. Thankfully, it’s starting to make a comeback. How many times have you discarded an item of clothing that has a hole in it? Sometimes, all it needs is a simple repair are there are many websites that show how to repair. In most cases, a small sewing kit will be enough.

Green yellow red needle pin and safety pins
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/green-yellow-red-needle-pin-and-safety-pins-37631/

Sustainable living looks different to everyone, there isn’t a right or wrong. There plenty of ways to save money too. Here are some more tips and DIY projects

Check out the environmental days 2023 uk to see a list of important eco dates

Something I always say – start small, do what you can, build from there.

If you’d like to have a look at self-care sustainable living, check out 8 Busy Mum Eco Swaps Self-Care Edition – packed with tried and tested DIY recipes, cost comparisons and money-saving voucher codes.

These are my opinions and some ideas that work for me but may not work for everyone. Here are my terms & conditions for further reading

10 thoughts on “What are 10 Ways to be More Sustainable?”

  1. Love love love this post! I’ve always wanted to contribute more to sustainability but never new how. I love the tips to clean the back of the fridge and unplug appliances. These are super easy ways I can help support the cause, and I’ll definitely be doing these from now on. Thanks for sharing this fantastic post!

  2. Thank you for this post! Some great reminders – I need to meal plan better, and I will try and incorporate sustainable travel into some of my blog posts!

  3. These are great tips! I didn’t know cleaning the back of the fridge would help it work less. I’m motivated to do a good cleaning now 🙂

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