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How To Make Your Own Eco-Friendly DIY Skincare Products at Home 

It’s common to find shop bought skincare products in containers that add to the never ending plastic waste problem, and some of these products might also contain harmful chemicals that could be detrimental to both your skin and the environment.

It can be really exhausting when you want to do better for your skin (and the environment) but there doesn’t appear to be another, chemical free, option that works for you or, if there is, its way out of your price range.

There are some brands that may claim their products are sold in eco-friendly packaging and made from natural ingredients, be aware of this because this isn’t always the case. There are other brands who genuinely do care about the environment and work towards making their products more sustainable. You just need to look more closely.

As I’m not one for settling, I started looking at various DIY recipes and ended up making my own skincare products using natural ingredients which really work for me. Not only is this better for the environment, the good news is I’ve found that I’ve actually saved quite a bit of money doing it.

At a time when many of us are probably struggling with our finances, who doesn’t want to save some money?

As I’m referring to recipes that work for me, it would probably help including a little information on my skin type.

My skin type is a little all over the place; I have dry skin around my chin area, oily skin around my nose and my forehead seems to have a mind of its own. Thankfully, I’ve never suffered from sensitive skin. As you can imagine, I’ve tried quite a few DIY recipes with a variety of simple ingredients.

Make sure you’ve got a chopping board, bowls and mixing utensils.

These are my favourites.

How to Make Your Own Eco-Friendly DIY Skincare Products at Home

DIY Hair Removal Wax

I’ve been waxing (and shaving) my legs for years and I really can’t bear to think about all the wax strips that have ended up in the bin (and then landfill) over the years. Not to mention how much I’ve spent by having to keep buying more pots of wax or wax strips over and over again.

No only is it bad for the environment, and can become quite costly, and when I look at the side of the wax pot, there’s loads of chemicals, possibly toxic chemicals, that I don’t know what they’re doing to my skin.

This is why I prefer to make my own and is one of my favourite natural skincare products I make for myself. 


  • 2 cups white sugar
  • 1/4 cup of lemon juice (squeezed)
  • Bit of warm water
  • Cotton wax strips (cut up an old shirt you no longer need into strips)
  • Heat-resistant airtight container (glass jar will do)


Add all the ingredients in a pan and heat up on the stove on high heat until it starts to boil. 

Reduce the heat to low and keep an eye on it. 

When the mixture starts to resemble the colour of honey, take it off the heat and put in a heat proof container (If you use a glass jar, make sure you warm up the jar first otherwise the glass will crack)

Make sure the mixture has cooled enough so you don’t burn your skin.

From the years of waxing, I’ve saved a few of the plastic tubs because I know they can be microwaved. If you have any of these lying around, clean them out and reuse them. 

The great thing is that it could help save you money, you know what’s in it, and it’s better for the environment because you’re not throwing away any plastic packaging. Goodbye harsh chemicals and welcome to creating the first of your own skincare products. 

This has helped me avoid some skin irritation I’ve found from store bought options and contains Vitamin C. 

DIY Foot Scrub

As we’re on our feet all day, our feet can become battered and tired and need some TLC. Sometimes, you just want a little spontaneous self-care feet pampering but then you quickly realise you need to go to the shop to buy something (like you don’t have enough to remember). Let’s not forget the possible toxins you could be putting on them from store bought options as well as the plastic bottles they are sold in. 

Nope, we can do better than that!

This is a homemade scrub I use myself, it gives my feet the refreshing feel my poor, tired feet desperately need and you’ve got everything you need in your kitchen!

You wanna try it? 


  • Two cups of granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup of coconut oil
  • Juice from a lemon
  • Airtight container (old pasta jar will do)


Mix everything up in a bowl and rub some on your feet. 

Leave for five minutes and wash it off.

Top tip – I found gently rubbing the mixture in circular motions helps to gently remove dead skin cells

Refreshed, a great way to have happy feet without the toxins. Keep the rest in the container and give your feet some love whenever you feel like it. Best of all, something else you don’t need to buy from the shop and made from natural products. Another addition to your self-care beauty routine.

DIY Face Mask

I’ve personally tried loads of different shop bought face masks and it really annoys me that they tend to only be available in those silly plastic pouches that can’t be recycled kerbside. Some dry out my skin, some make it too oily, there was one that left red patches on my face so I’m staying well clear or that one. 

Getting a good one can cost money and it all adds up – not to mention all the other ingredients in them that aren’t good for us. This is why I like homemade skin care recipes because there are other options to add to a good skin care routine.

I found this great recipe a while back and I genuinely can’t remember where I found it but it works really well for me. It’s all natural and making it yourself is a fraction of the price (plus you know what’s in it!). The best bit, there are only two key ingredients.


  • Honey (Manuka honey works well) 
  • Avocado

Seriously, that’s it!


Scoop and crush up half an avocado then add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix in a bowl.

Apply on your face and neck and leave for about 25 mins

Wash off

Avocado is known to have healthy oils that naturally nourish and hydrate your skin, plus it’s a good source of Vitamin E. Some brands of natural honey contain antibacterial properties and can help with healing/reducing inflammation so it makes sense using these together. 

Someone I know adds a little crushed rolled organic oats to help with exfoliation too so you could give this a go, if you fancy it. A great addition to a zero-waste skincare routine. 


These DIY beauty products are ones that I’ve tried and tested myself personally, they work for me and help me with my zero waste skin care routine, they’ve also helped me save money in the long run.

There are many natural alternatives and it’s a case of finding what works for you. 

Transitioning to a more eco-conscious skincare routine starts with making small changes. Each choice you make communicates the importance of embracing sustainability and by finding products that you can make yourself, you’re not only caring for your skin but also contributing positively to the environment (and potentially save some money in the process).

More DIY

If you’re interested in some more DIY projects, check out my other blogs

How To Make Your Own Draught Excluder – DIY Project

DIY Toilet Cleaner Bomb Recipe